Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Does Busy Mean?

Not much happening here. Really. Unless you want to count that we are very much in the midst of moving. Marissa wanted some of our furniture, but it didn't fit in her car with the kids. So being the great mother that I am, I volunteered to take it to her in my big truck/SUV. So Monday I drove to Austin and back all in the same day. I must be nuts.
When I got home I spent the rest of the afternoon on the phone trying to get our electricity changed to the new address. That was fun, (read NOT). The rest of the week I am finishing packing everything we are currently using in the house to be ready for the big move on Saturday.
Boy this sure is fun. We should do this more often. No I really mean that. Well, maybe I really mean that. Oh, who am I kidding, I wish that we had professionals doing this for us. Oh well it is a great chance to get rid of stuff. We really do have too much stuff.
More later after we move, with pictures of our new place.

1 comment:

Nursemom said...

Thanks mom!! WE love our new end tables although it is getting very difficult keeping Landan off of them since he's so used to sitting on them at your house.