Saturday, August 29, 2009

Here I Am

Hello folks. I have not fallen off the face of the earth yet. I just now have access to the internet. sorry no pictures of details yet. I am at the library using the computer. We still don't have internet at home yet but are still working on that. I can now use the library to access email and read your blogs.

Just wanted everyone to know that I am here and settling in just fine. I have been keeping a journal to blog about, so when I finally get home internet and can add pictures you will see a lot of entries.

Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten anyone and miss ya'll lots. Keep looking for more information later. I will do what I can until I get home internet.

1 comment:

Mother Goose said...

Howdy! So good to hear from you. We miss you too and can't wait to talk to you on Skype. Tell Papa that there with be pictures of Jack and Joe up shortly. He'll be so proud of Avery!